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Increased Vote

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The Shareholders' Meeting of 28 April 2020 approved the modification of art. 7 of the Corporate by-laws, in accordance with the provisions of art. 127-quinquies of the TUF, introducing the so-called mechanism of the "increased vote".
The proposed modification aims to promote the stabilization and loyalty of the shareholders, encouraging the medium-long term investment in the share capital of MARR, in support of the Group's organic and non-organic growth strategy, as better explained in the Illustrative Report to the Shareholders 'Meeting (marr.it, Corporate Governance Section, Shareholders' Meeting 2020).
The Corporate By-Law of the Company provides that two votes are attributed for each share belonging to the shareholder that has requested to be registered in a special Special List - kept and updated by the Company - and that it has kept it for a continuous period of not less than 24 months from the date of registration in the List itself.
Interested Shareholders will be able to submit, through their intermediary, a request for registration in the appropriate Special List using the format shown here. It should be noted that the application for registration cannot be received directly by the shareholder but must be submitted by the financial intermediary where the MARR shares are deposited.
All details relating to the procedures for registering, keeping and updating the Special List in compliance with the applicable legislation, the Articles of Association and market practices, are described in the Implementing Regulation reported herein, approved by the Board of Directors of MARR in date May 14, 2020.